I read in Ziz ziglar’s book” see you at the top’ that God made man took one look at him and said “I can do better” and made woman. This goes to show how beautiful the woman is. A woman has to be elegant, clean and pleasing to the eyes.
But look around today what do we see, our women are getting fat and fatter. For the married women, it’s understandable though they can do something about it. Marriage brings with it peace of mind, so they eat more, rest more and add more weight. Also pregnancy makes women to add weight.
But what about the young ladies that are getting obese. Well let me tell you, being slim is healthier and sexier. When it comes to fashion trends, you can fit into any fashion item and look great in it. On the other hand fat ladies are more liable to have health problems like having varicose veins, high blood pressure, difficulty in breathing, diabetes in middle age. Of course we know they can’t wear anything they see in the fashion shelf; they may look clumsy or indecent in it.
So what do we do? Do we stop eating certain foods since gaining weight has been attributed to such foods? No. In general all foods are fattening if you eat more than your body require. As the saying goes too much of anything is bad. So don’t over eat. Yes I know your boyfriend likes you a lot but don’t eat all the snacks fast foods and chicken he brings for you.
Again avoid oily foods. Instead of frying consider boiling, grilling and baking as methods of cooking. Furthermore eat more of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, fish, sea foods, whole grains, whole and natural foods as opposed to red meat, processed meat high fat diary, butter, refined grain, processed and packaged foods.
Lastly exercise, it really helps. For example if you walk one hour every day, you spend about 1250kj of energy in doing so. That is about 40g of adipose tissue is lost daily. Visit www.losethatweightfast.blogspot.com for more. So get that slim body you want and enjoy you life .Remember you have only this life, so live it to the fullest.