Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eating Healthy Foods To Lose Weight (2)

From my last article I believe we now know what to eat to lose weight. What about what to drink? Our bodies don't always know what to make of liquid calories. Some quench our thirst, while others do more than that; they satisfy our hunger too. The right drink at the right time can be a secret weapon in helping you drop pounds. Last time we talked of the five groups of foods that help in burning fats. Here I'll give you the five drinks that also help. Once we are healthy we'll be able to fight poverty, hunger and disease. Being healthy is the first key.

1. Water: Yes, I mean clean portable water. When you are trying to lose e weight, water is crucial. Because it flushes toxins from your system and washes away unused sugars from the body. When you suddenly feel hungry, even though you have just eaten, it may be that your body is actually feeling a bit dehydrated craving fluids. So if you haven't been drinking lately, reach for a glass of water and see whether it makes those thoughts of food go away.

2. Citrus Fruit JUICES: Again citrus fruits. Remember in the last article how combining citrus fruits in your meal can help you. Well for those that love drinking fruit juices, citrus fruit are your best bet. And take them fresh not pre-packed. Fruit juices are made of enzymes which increases the rate at which food is broken down and absorbed by the body. Packed and bottled fruit juices are pasteurized thereby destroying the enzymes. So get them fresh.

3. Decaffeinated Coffee: For the coffee die-hards, caffeine may keep you going during the day, but when you are trying to lose weight, it is smart to be a little wary of it. Some people do not react well to caffeine. It makes them irritable and shaky and can lead to increased hunger. Researches have shown that caffeine causes the brain to demand more blood sugar, while simultaneously decreasing the amount of blood sugar that can actually be delivered to the brain. So if you want coffee, go for decaffeinated coffee (with just 3% caffeine).

4. Herbal Tea: There are many herbal teas in the market today and they work. Because they are powerful antioxidants, not just for flushing fat but for everybody that deserves sound health and a beautiful body. So go get one.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar: Please make sure it is pure, unfiltered apple cider vinegar "with the mother". That is the big difference between vinegar for washing fruits and vegetables for consumption. This is very god as it does not contain sugar and it helps you to burn stored fat. So if you want to lose weight, get your apple cider vinegar.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Want some big weight loss? I'm going to show you a method that will make this happen... safely. This is a short article... it'll only take 2 minutes to read. But those 2 minutes will perhaps be very important to you. Read this now if you're ready to get the body you deserve.
Big Weight Loss
1. Eat a bowl of lentil soup with some vegetables before lunch and dinner
Make a big batch of this stuff that'll last 3 days. This is easy stuff. Lentils are packed with protein and fiber. It's probably the best weight loss food possible. It's cheap too. Use tupperware if you're not going to be home. Bring it to work. Whatever. Find a way to do this. Don't look for excuses. Just monitor your weight loss for 2 weeks while you do this. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
2. You'll need some snacks... focus in on apples and yogurt
Apple has the fiber and yogurts have the protein. Be sure the yogurt has no more than 80 calories. If you need a recommendation, go to Wal-Mart and get their 33 cent low calorie yogurts. My personal favorite is Black Cherry. Just thought you should know.
3. Jump on a mini-trampoline whenever you get a chance, but especially during tv commercials
This is an all-around exercise that pretty much everyone can do. That's why I chose it. Oh yeah, if you have cellulite on your butt and legs... it'll help reduce those for you as well. I would like for you to find 20 minutes a day to do this... even if it's only 2-3 minutes at a time.
Do these 3 things and you'll get big weight loss.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
Article Source:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Eating Healthy Foods to Lose Weight (1)

You don’t need to starve or go on crash diet to lose weight. You don’t even need to skip any meal. To know the right food and drink to eat is all you need. There are foods that helps in burning fats in the human body. They are usually called fat burning foods. These foods burn more fat 5than the calorie content of the food itself. There are five groups of foods which burn more calories than you consume. Let these five groups always be part of your meal.

1.Citrus fruits: These are fruits rich in vitamin c. Examples lime, orange, grapefruit, lemon and tangerine. Vitamin c in these fruits dilutes the fat, makes is less effective and helps in releasing the fat from the body.

2. Apples: Remember the old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It also keeps fats away. Pectin in apples restricts the cells o absorb fat and encourage water absorption from the food. This helps in releasing the fat deposits from the body

3.Chillies: Red chili and foods containing chilies contain capsaicin that helps in increasing the body metabolism. Garlic contains the compound allicin which has antibacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats.

4. Vegetable: Vegetable consumption is good for health. Some vegetables like carrot, water melon, broccoli and asparagus help to reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats in the human body. Remember you get the best value from vegetables when it is half-coked.

5. Roots: When we talk of roots here, we mean beetroot, potato(sweet and Irish). These contain substances which helps to reduce fats in the human body.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Weight Gain might make you to Lose Him/Her

How you feel if the once slim, elegant lady of your dreams begins to add weight in all the wrong places. Or your ostentatiously virile young man begins to double in the middle. You watch his muscles turn to fat and he helplessly builds a pot. Micheal Webb, a relationship expert calls weight gain a cruel trick of nature.

Both men and women tend to sag over a period of time. Men’s bodies begin to sag as they approach middle age and the women add weight with child birth. Unfortunately women tend to change more drastically than the men. They lose their shape and it’s almost a miracle to see a woman maintaining her trim figure after child-birth.

But do the men care/ And the women to care that the once athletic body they used to admire in a man has become a saggy pot-belly. Pots don’t sit well on some men and women except she is pregnant. And does weight gain affect the love of a man and a woman? Of course. For more on relationships go to

Weight gain makes one to look older. Most men prefer slim women and most women prefer a handsome athletic well muscled body. A few percentages would appreciate the fatso and vice versa. But how a fat man or woman carries himself/herself matters. Some people waddle their fat and others walk smart with theirs.

Men naturally get distracted even if they are married to the most beautiful woman in the world. So if a man with a beauty can go outside for a sidekick, what happens if she is on the weight side? Except where such a fat woman has a very strong hold on the man, she would practically constitute an abandoned property or a convenient for him.

But don’t get it wrong, a man who really loves a woman would not give a damn if she is a slim fit or not. It is the inside that really counts in genuine relationships. But weight gain on the part of the women particularly does put a strain on the relation ship. Overweight, we must know is a health problem. It is healthier to stay trim and fit.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Diet Tips For Women Who Are Ready to Give Up - Stop! You Can Win the Weight Loss War

In this article I'd like to offer a few diet tips for women who are ready to give up. If you are anything like the tens of thousands of women around the globe who are simply frustrated at the FAILING fat loss philosophies that have been sold, packaged and promised to us for are NOT alone. We've all been there, and often times at the very bottom of the barrel is actually feels EASIER to stay fat and simply do nothing, right? I mean....if NOTHING is working, often times the easiest way to overcome the frustration is to simply give in....and ultimately, give up to boot. Many women I know have done EXACTLY that. I say not.

Dieting is a Mindset more than a Menu......

I believe that in my OWN life, this was the biggest realization that led to transforming my results. Rather than constantly looking for the right "menu" that is going to finally help you lose weight, you simply need to find the desperation and hunger ( no pun intended..:-) that comes from a state of mind that will NOT accept a life less than what you deserve. I've tried all KINDS of different mental tricks to achieve this - from nlp, to hypnosis, to meditation to simply PRAYING to god...:-) The ONLY thing that worked for me is having gotten SO sick of my body, my weight...and my limitations because of it that I FINALLY refused to accept anything short of a physical transformation as acceptable.

And PICK a Program That Works!

I went with Medifast...and STILL believe it's the very best diet on the market for those of us who need to lose 20 pounds or more. But it may not be for you. The KEY is to simply STOP chasing fads, and philosophies that are designed to give you some sort of magic solution that AREN'T going to work. Pills, exotic herbs and odd supplements from South America are NOT the key to losing weight and changing your life for the better..:-) You know it in your did I when I was trying them too...and the FASTER you banish the fantastical solutions from your mindset - the quicker you are going to be enjoying looking at your reflection in the mirror once again, I guarantee

I Feel GREAT! No More Chubby Tummy I told My Hubby!

Read discover how you can FINALLY lose weight, feel great, and turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom and in the bedroom...guaranteed!

(Even if you've never lost a pound on ANY diet ever before!)

Article Source:

Friday, October 3, 2008

Basic Weight Loss Tips

These are the essential weight loss tips. Follow these tips religiously and you will see yourself shedding those pounds.

Ø Too much of anything is bad. So don’t overdo anything. Don’t overeat, don’t over drink, don’t over-exercise.

Ø Avoid frying by all means. Rather use boiling, grilling and baking as your methods of cooking.

Ø For your meal incorporate more of apples, chilies, citrus fruits, roots and vegetables.

Ø For your drinking go for water, decaffeinated coffee, herbal tea, fruit juices and apple cider vinegar.

Ø Go for fresh foods and drinks whenever you can instead of cooked, processed, packed and bottled ones.

Ø Exercise. Try walking a mile an hour a day. Also cycling, swimming and jogging are very good.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I Hated Being Slim

I was a very slim girl. And I hated it. I wanted to be fat. I didn't like it when I was always pushed aside whenever there was a struggle. Again inside buses, if I have the misfortune of sitting with fat people I'll be squizzed and switched to near faint before I reach my destination. My reshaped clothes still didn't size me. They were always too big for me.

So I started visiting sites about weight loss to find out what the fat gens were asked to steer clear of. I ate all that they were asked not to eat. I watched the fat ones around and I forced myself to eat whenever and whatever they were eating.It didn't work. Still I persisted because I was sick and tired of being slim( very tiny).

Then one day I saw something which made me take notice. I've seen this all along but I just didn't notice. I saw my cousin coming down the stairs in what would be called agony. She was gasping and wheezing taking the stairs. And even at that she didn't walk up to a mile before she hiked a bike to a distance I usually trek to and for. She was fat. It was then I really noticed the other side of being fat. I saw what fat people go through because of their weight. I remember being at a junction one day waiting for a taxi with others. We were already two in the taxi when a fat lady wanted to join us but the driver told her that she has to pay for two. The lady tried to drag the price but the man was adamant. His reason being that she will occupy the space for two so she either pays for two people or she waits for another taxi. At the end she had to wait for another taxi while we drove off.

I then realized that I didn't want to be fat. I thought very hard about it and came to the conclusion that what I wanted was to be fit, trim and healthy. Therefore I embarked on balanced diet. Instead of consuming starch (carbohydrates) alone, when I was searching for fat, I added fruits and vegetables. I also restarted my morning exercise which I'd stopped in a bid to get fat. I usually do some yoga or follow the morning exercise on television every morning, before going out for the day. I erroneously believed that lack of exercise will make me fat. Now I know better. Exercise keeps you fit and healthy whether you are slim or fat.

Now I am glad to say I am neither slim nor fat, I am okay. I am trim, fit and healthy just what I want. You can be so too. First find out exactly what it is you want. You have to be able look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see. If you don't like what you are seeing presently, take the necessary steps to get it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Correct Weight Loss Diet

Is there a correct way of dieting that help to lose weight? Sounds hard to believe but there are healthy diets that will burn off those fats and get you back to a trim, healthy person. Cool huh?

I am going to share this with you because I know it is the goal of everyone to lose weight and look good, trim and fit. But wait in the weight loss diet I lay out a strategy Click Here .

If you use this technique alone, without an overall plan or strategy, you may damage the weight attempt.

Apart from eating lesser quantity of food, you can add more of vegetables and fruits in your meal. For instance instead of eating a big plate of rice with five big pieces of meat, you can change to this. A small quantity of rice, slices of cabbage, carrot, cucumber and tomatoes. Then instead of meat why not take fish. Next use lemon juice or ordinary water to wash it down instead finishing a bottle of red wine. I’m sure you can see the difference in both types of meal.

I’m telling you drinking water while eating is very, very healthy. But if you must drink, there are fruit juices especially citrus fruits or herbal tea.

Now before you start planning your meals like this, you need to figure out how you are going to achieve it. Importantly have an underlying strategy like I lay out in Click Here.

If you apply this technique here with no underlying strategy and you start reducing in weight, you can do more damage than good if you do not handle it correctly. Okay? What I am saying is what you do before; during and after you start dieting to lose weight is more important than getting slim again. Make sense? Have a plan Click Here.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Fastest Way to Lose Weight

The fastest way to lose weight is to know what caused your obesity in the first place. Its that simple. Once you know the cause, you’ll get the solution. Thus when you know what you did to be fat, first stop doing it, second you do the opposite to get the reverse effect. So let’s examine the causes of obesity.

1. Heredity: Have you ever wondered that some people eat and eat yet they are as a slim as a pole. But others add weight whenever they put something in their mouth. In a scientific study, adults who were adopted as children were found to have weights closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents. It is the genes at work. Now if you found out that you are obese because your parent has fat genes, try exercise. You can start by walking (brisk walk) for an hour a day.

2. Overeating: We all know that too much of anything is bad (I don’t about fresh air).Remember, all foods are fattening if you eat more than your body require. So are you obese because of the quantity of your food intake? First stop it, second start today to reduce the quantity of food you take. Learn to choose more nutritious meals that are low in fat.

3. Lack of exercise: Do you that there are people who aren’t genetically fat, they eat right but they are fat? Reason they don’t exercise. Yes, lack of physical activity increase the storage of fats in your system. There are lots of exercises you can choose from-walking, swimming, cycling, jogging. Choose the one you like and try exercising for 30 minutes-1 hour every morning before you take your bath.

4. Negative emotions: Some people eat in response to emotions such as anxiety fear, anger, worry, sadness or boredom. Then they grow fat which leads to depression and low self-esteem and they eat more. If you are in this category, first stop it, eat only when you are hungry. Second fill your life with positive emotions like love, peace, faith, hope, happiness.

5. Illness: Studies have shown that certain illness like Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, can lead to obesity or a tendency to gain weight. Also drugs such as steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain. If you find yourself in this category see your doctor, he’ll help you. A doctor can tell you whether there are underlying medical conditions that are causing your weight again or making your weight loss attempt difficult.

6. Virus: Scientists say a common virus may be one of the reasons so many people are obese. They say obesity is caused by a virus that causes colds and sore throat and is spread by dirty hands. The latest research showed that the virus could trigger the development of fatty cells in the body. So you know what to do. Protect yourself from cold and wash your hand (personal hygiene).

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just For Obese Men

Men too can be overweight. Men with pot bellies and different sizes of protruding stomach don't make a good sight. I'm writing for men in this article since I concentrated on the women folk in my last article. There I talked of the dangers inherent in young ladies getting fat. Men are also exposed to the same health problems associated with obesity. You remember-susceptible to high blood pressure, having varicose veins, gall bladder problems, difficulty in breathing, developing diabetes in middle age. Uh..uh. I think I'd rather be slim.

Apart from the unhealthy effects have you thought of the unsightly ones.Oh yes, every man wants to be addressed as a gentleman. The attribute doesn't only come from character, it also involve physical attributes. And we all know that chicks go after men that look good. You might not have money but with your good looks women will flock to you. But they'll run away if you have fats protruding from every corner of your being. They'll see you as not only ugly but also too old. Also obesity has been found to be one of the causes of men's poor sexual performance.

I'm sure you've heard the joke about a man with big stomach who took his wife for prenatal test and the doctor asked," which of you has come for treatment?" For the married guys, how can you advice your kids not to gulp down ice cream? How will you talk to them about the unhealthy effects of being fat when you are looking like a balloon?

So guys you'll agree with me that it's wise to do something about cutting down on your weight. Burn some fat, do exercises, take dietary and fat-reducing supplements and eat right. Live a healthy and happy life.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Be slim and Healthy

I read in Ziz ziglar’s book” see you at the top’ that God made man took one look at him and said “I can do better” and made woman. This goes to show how beautiful the woman is. A woman has to be elegant, clean and pleasing to the eyes.

But look around today what do we see, our women are getting fat and fatter. For the married women, it’s understandable though they can do something about it. Marriage brings with it peace of mind, so they eat more, rest more and add more weight. Also pregnancy makes women to add weight.

But what about the young ladies that are getting obese. Well let me tell you, being slim is healthier and sexier. When it comes to fashion trends, you can fit into any fashion item and look great in it. On the other hand fat ladies are more liable to have health problems like having varicose veins, high blood pressure, difficulty in breathing, diabetes in middle age. Of course we know they can’t wear anything they see in the fashion shelf; they may look clumsy or indecent in it.

So what do we do? Do we stop eating certain foods since gaining weight has been attributed to such foods? No. In general all foods are fattening if you eat more than your body require. As the saying goes too much of anything is bad. So don’t over eat. Yes I know your boyfriend likes you a lot but don’t eat all the snacks fast foods and chicken he brings for you.

Again avoid oily foods. Instead of frying consider boiling, grilling and baking as methods of cooking. Furthermore eat more of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, fish, sea foods, whole grains, whole and natural foods as opposed to red meat, processed meat high fat diary, butter, refined grain, processed and packaged foods.

Lastly exercise, it really helps. For example if you walk one hour every day, you spend about 1250kj of energy in doing so. That is about 40g of adipose tissue is lost daily. Visit for more. So get that slim body you want and enjoy you life .Remember you have only this life, so live it to the fullest.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lose Weight Quickly - Eat Your Breakfast

Studies have shown that people who wake up every morning and eat breakfast weigh less than those who consistently start their day without proper fuel for their bodies. If you want to lose weight quickly, then you must get into a proper routine. Wake up, start the day with a glass of water, and then eat a nutritious breakfast before heading out the door.

But how can you lose weight quickly if you start having breakfast every day? You've probably been told time and time again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Guess what? As it ends up, your parents and your school teachers were all telling you the truth! It really is the most important meal of the day.

The word breakfast means "break the fast." When you sleep, you are fasting for a period of anywhere from seven to ten hours. Once you wake, you need to give your body the necessary fuel. Think of it in comparison to a car. It won't run without gas, right?

Your body is the same way. You need to feed it and by so doing, you can lose weight quickly. Not only will this allow you to maintain a stable healthy weight, but eating breakfast also allows the body to feel full and it promotes proper metabolic function. All of this is crucial to starting the day off right, as it lends itself to giving you the energy and brain power you need to accomplish what you need to do in the run of a busy day.

Another important point in relation to weight is that individuals who eat breakfast consistently are much less likely to overeat throughout the day, eat late at night, or to snack on unhealthy foods unnecessarily.

What makes a nutritious breakfast is the next question. In order to remember what to eat, you need to think eat "1-2-3 energy". You require one serving of protein, two servings of fruit, and three servings of grain. Excellent choices of protein include eggs, low fat milk, peanut butter, yogurt and cheese.

Fruit ensures that you start the day with the vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that you need. Fruit also helps to stave off dehydration and it prevents constipation from setting in. Oatmeal is an excellent breakfast food for those looking to lose weight. Oatmeal is a bulk dense food that slows down the digestive process, thereby making it possible for a person to feel fuller for a longer span of time. Oatmeal is also excellent for soaking up cholesterol in the blood stream.

Fiber is also important as a means of losing weight quickly. Fiber should be an important part of breakfast. Fiber keeps the digestive system running smoothly and helps the bowels to do their job. Choose high fiber cereal and whole grain breads. It is also best to choose fresh fruit over fruit juice. If fresh fruit is pricey, buy frozen fruit. Steer clear of canned fruit as these are loaded with sugar. Wheat germ and flax meal can be sprinkled over cereal, oatmeal or yogurt for an extra helping of fiber.

An excellent choice for breakfast would be to eat two slices of whole grain bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a glass of orange juice. On a day that you are in a rush, health can still be a priority. Choose a bowl of high fiber cereal or oatmeal, a banana and a glass of skim or one percent milk.

You need to look at your eating habits carefully. If breakfast is not important to you, then it's time to re-adjust your priorities, so you can lose weight quickly.

About The Author

Trudy Bannister
Discover The Diet System That Takes Off 9 Lbs Every 11 Days - Guaranteed!

Article Source:

Monday, July 28, 2008

Which Exercise is Best for Healthy Weight Loss?

The seemingly logical answer to that question is that aerobic activities such as jogging, swimming or cycling burn the most calories and therefore must be the most effective for healthy weight loss. But while aerobic activity is important, combining it with strength training truly produces the best results.

How Aerobic Exercise Promotes Healthy Weight Loss
Aerobic or cardiovascular activity is any activity that uses the large muscles of the body in movements that are continuous and rhythmical. According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), an individual should participate in this type of activity for at least 30 minutes per day, 5 times per week at a moderate intensity. If you want to get the same benefit in less time, the ACSM says to increase the intensity to vigorous, and 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week will do it.

For most efficient fat burning to occur during cardiovascular activity, work out in your Target Heart Rate (THR) zone, which is between 60 and 90 percent of your maximum heart rate. Performing aerobic activities in your THR will best ensure you achieve healthy weight loss.

How Strength Training Promotes Healthy Weight Loss
After aerobic activity, your metabolism is elevated for anywhere between a few minutes to a few hours depending on the intensity of your workout. That means you're burning calories at a higher rate than you normally do. With strength or resistance training, however, you build lean muscle mass, which permanently increases your metabolism. You burn more calories whether at work or rest. The more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate and therefore the quicker you can reach your goals.

The ACSM recommends between 8 and 10 strength training exercises of 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise at least twice per week.

How Having Fun Helps Promotes Healthy Weight Loss
Exercise tips for healthy weight loss underscore the combination of cardiovascular training with regular strength training to get optimal results. Remember, too, that if you don't enjoy it, it's not likely you'll continue doing it. None of us want to lose weight only to regain it shortly thereafter. A healthy lifestyle leads to lasting results, and adopting that lifestyle is much more easily achieved when it's fun.

Ways you can increase the fun factor in your exercise routine include having family join in, taking it outdoors to enjoy the scenery, good music, joining classes to make it more of a social event and changing up your routine (also important to avoid fitness plateaus). And remember, if you don't enjoy it, don't do it! Find something else.

Finally, we can't let a discussion of healthy weight loss go by without some mention of the fact that weight loss as a goal in itself can be counterproductive. Even if we're trying to better manage PCOS or type 2 diabetes or some other reason that legitimately has to do with our health, focusing on getting healthy, and living healthfully, holds much greater promise for achieving our goals.

Since 1973, Green Mountain at Fox Run has developed and refined a life-changing program exclusively for women seeking permanent strategies for healthy weight loss and health. More than just another weight loss retreat and spa, Green Mountain combines proven science with what works in the real world, to offer an innovative non-diet lifestyle program. Our core weight loss program offers an integrated curriculum of practical, liveable techniques that helps women take charge of their eating, their bodies and their health. Unlike health spas or adult weight loss camps, our approach is not focused on just losing weight but on how to keep it off for a lifetime. Our participants' long-term weight loss success is among the highest of any program, as documented in peer-reviewed scientific literature. Learn more about our fitness and healthy weight loss retreat.

About the Author

Currently Green Mountain at Fox Run's Health and Fitness Specialist and Personal Trainer, Samantha Rowland's passion is helping all women enrolled in the weight loss program feel physically capable and empowered by teaching a wide range of exercise and fitness classes.

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Weight Loss program can become easier with a friend

Losing weight can be an especially difficult thing to do. When you first start out the program is fresh and new and your motivation is high. But as the time goes on you can lose steam and begin to cheat on your program. If you have a friend to go through the program with you there is an increased chance of success.
Accountability is one of the major reasons that having a friend go through a weight loss program with you will work to your advantage. On days when you feel like not working out you have a friend to push you to continue your exercise routine. When you have cravings for food that is not on your diet you can talk to someone who is on the diet with you. The partnership will push each member to success in the diet and you will all see your weight loss increase.

One stumbling block in a partnership diet is that each member has to stay focused to pick up the slack when the other person falters. If both people lack the drive then you need to either find a new partner or figure ways to keep each other motivated. One good way to motivate each other is to share successes with others. Tell people how well the weight loss team is doing. Another way to stay motivated is to alternate days of picking exercises or creating meals to motivate you or your partner in weight loss.

About the Author

Andrew P Schirmacher Jr

Weight Loss is not an easy thing to do. It is necessary to maintain your proper weight for health benefits, increasing your ability to do more things and the inner joy you will get. I have begun a program that you may want to learn more about or just find some friends to talk to. Follow along with me as I go through my weight loss program at

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Plateful of Valuable Weight Loss Tips

I don't know about you but I think that in today's world too much pressure is put on people to be thin. We see it every day on the television and magazine covers. The media has made the weight issue so important. What do you do in order to control your weight? Are you trying to keep one of the many diets available? Or probably you have your own workout regime at the local gym. No matter what exactly you do to keep in good shape, at least you are giving it all up. Unfortunately, many Americans have given up on their figure and now their weight issue is becoming bigger and bigger. I suppose you understand that once you give up on your figure, it all goes down hill. At the beginning you are size 9 and that's fine with you. Then you realize you've gained a few pounds but it is not a big deal. Soon your size number is 12 and then it turns to size 16. If you constantly keep avoiding the problem the size could go up and up. Nowadays it is very stupid to disregard your figure having in mind all the weightloss tips you can get. Have you tried searching the Internet for useful weightloss tips?

In the past finding some good weightloss tips was quite a difficult task. There were many gurus not knowing what they were babbling about. Have you seen one of those machines people would stand on with the giant belt? I will always remember the day when I first saw it on an old advertisement. This machine actually giggled the person's mid section all over the place. What do you think this can accomplish? Were people so blind that they actually believed the fat could be shaken off? We are lucky today as we are well aware of how things work. We know which weightloss tips are valid and which are useless. If you think that diet pills will help you reduce your weight you are wrong. The only thing they will do is to pull the water from your figure. But you don't want to get rid of the water, do you? Your problem is fat. In case you are looking for some good weightloss tips and dietary supplements then I would suggest you conducted an online research.

Do you need decent weightloss tips? Don't give up if you haven't succeeded to find the ideal weightloss regime for yourself yet. Do some browsing and you will see that there are hundreds of solutions available. Here are some weightloss tips as follow: always maintain a balanced and healthy diet including fresh vegetables, organic meats and drink plenty of water. The key to weightloss is eating reasonable portions and exercising on a regular basis. For further weightloss assistance and more useful tips you can open and conduct a search with the key words "weightloss tips".
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning weight loss. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Weight Loss Tips

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About the author
Morgan Hamilton
Morgan Hamilton has worked as a licensed Financial Advisor and specializes in helping individuals properly manage their credit. ...