Friday, August 29, 2008

Be slim and Healthy

I read in Ziz ziglar’s book” see you at the top’ that God made man took one look at him and said “I can do better” and made woman. This goes to show how beautiful the woman is. A woman has to be elegant, clean and pleasing to the eyes.

But look around today what do we see, our women are getting fat and fatter. For the married women, it’s understandable though they can do something about it. Marriage brings with it peace of mind, so they eat more, rest more and add more weight. Also pregnancy makes women to add weight.

But what about the young ladies that are getting obese. Well let me tell you, being slim is healthier and sexier. When it comes to fashion trends, you can fit into any fashion item and look great in it. On the other hand fat ladies are more liable to have health problems like having varicose veins, high blood pressure, difficulty in breathing, diabetes in middle age. Of course we know they can’t wear anything they see in the fashion shelf; they may look clumsy or indecent in it.

So what do we do? Do we stop eating certain foods since gaining weight has been attributed to such foods? No. In general all foods are fattening if you eat more than your body require. As the saying goes too much of anything is bad. So don’t over eat. Yes I know your boyfriend likes you a lot but don’t eat all the snacks fast foods and chicken he brings for you.

Again avoid oily foods. Instead of frying consider boiling, grilling and baking as methods of cooking. Furthermore eat more of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, fish, sea foods, whole grains, whole and natural foods as opposed to red meat, processed meat high fat diary, butter, refined grain, processed and packaged foods.

Lastly exercise, it really helps. For example if you walk one hour every day, you spend about 1250kj of energy in doing so. That is about 40g of adipose tissue is lost daily. Visit for more. So get that slim body you want and enjoy you life .Remember you have only this life, so live it to the fullest.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lose Weight Quickly - Eat Your Breakfast

Studies have shown that people who wake up every morning and eat breakfast weigh less than those who consistently start their day without proper fuel for their bodies. If you want to lose weight quickly, then you must get into a proper routine. Wake up, start the day with a glass of water, and then eat a nutritious breakfast before heading out the door.

But how can you lose weight quickly if you start having breakfast every day? You've probably been told time and time again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Guess what? As it ends up, your parents and your school teachers were all telling you the truth! It really is the most important meal of the day.

The word breakfast means "break the fast." When you sleep, you are fasting for a period of anywhere from seven to ten hours. Once you wake, you need to give your body the necessary fuel. Think of it in comparison to a car. It won't run without gas, right?

Your body is the same way. You need to feed it and by so doing, you can lose weight quickly. Not only will this allow you to maintain a stable healthy weight, but eating breakfast also allows the body to feel full and it promotes proper metabolic function. All of this is crucial to starting the day off right, as it lends itself to giving you the energy and brain power you need to accomplish what you need to do in the run of a busy day.

Another important point in relation to weight is that individuals who eat breakfast consistently are much less likely to overeat throughout the day, eat late at night, or to snack on unhealthy foods unnecessarily.

What makes a nutritious breakfast is the next question. In order to remember what to eat, you need to think eat "1-2-3 energy". You require one serving of protein, two servings of fruit, and three servings of grain. Excellent choices of protein include eggs, low fat milk, peanut butter, yogurt and cheese.

Fruit ensures that you start the day with the vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that you need. Fruit also helps to stave off dehydration and it prevents constipation from setting in. Oatmeal is an excellent breakfast food for those looking to lose weight. Oatmeal is a bulk dense food that slows down the digestive process, thereby making it possible for a person to feel fuller for a longer span of time. Oatmeal is also excellent for soaking up cholesterol in the blood stream.

Fiber is also important as a means of losing weight quickly. Fiber should be an important part of breakfast. Fiber keeps the digestive system running smoothly and helps the bowels to do their job. Choose high fiber cereal and whole grain breads. It is also best to choose fresh fruit over fruit juice. If fresh fruit is pricey, buy frozen fruit. Steer clear of canned fruit as these are loaded with sugar. Wheat germ and flax meal can be sprinkled over cereal, oatmeal or yogurt for an extra helping of fiber.

An excellent choice for breakfast would be to eat two slices of whole grain bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a glass of orange juice. On a day that you are in a rush, health can still be a priority. Choose a bowl of high fiber cereal or oatmeal, a banana and a glass of skim or one percent milk.

You need to look at your eating habits carefully. If breakfast is not important to you, then it's time to re-adjust your priorities, so you can lose weight quickly.

About The Author

Trudy Bannister
Discover The Diet System That Takes Off 9 Lbs Every 11 Days - Guaranteed!

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