Friday, August 7, 2009
Why You Must Lose Weight - The 5 Deadly Dangers to Your Health by Being Overweight
Although you may feel fine now, the extra weight places strain on all of your body systems. In fact, you may be prone to developing one or more of the following problems when you're overweight:
1. Cancer
The link between being overweight and having cancer is a little unclear at the moment, but it's hard to argue with the following statistics:
A. Being 20lbs overweight before menopause, doubles the risk of contracting cancer in postmenopausal women.
B. Half of all breast cancer cases are in obese women.
2. Diabetes
About 80% of folks with type 2 diabetes are obese. Sadly, overweight kids are now getting type 2 diabetes (which used to be only associated with adults). The goods news is that reducing your weight by 10lbs can reduce your risk of developing cancer by 30%. Reducing your weight aids in reducing blood glucose levels which improves the condition of diabetes by improving your sensitivity to insulin. The weight loss may be enough to free diabetics from needing to take medication.
3. Heart Disease
Nearly 70% of the diagnosed cases of heart disease can be traced by to being overweight. A weight gain of 20lbs doubles your risk of heart disease. Reducing your weight by 5 to 10lbs can increase levels of HDL and decrease levels of LDL, which are substances related to the occurrence of heart disease.
4. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Being obese more than doubles your chances of developing high blood pressure. Stats show that over 70% of all obese folks have high blood pressure. Loosing 5-10lbs can produce significant benefits and may eliminate the need to take medications.
5. Osteoarthritis
Being overweight increases the risk of getting this painful disease of degeneration of your bones and cartilage. Decreasing weight by 10-15lbs decreases the risk of developing arthritis by the time your reach the age of 50.
There are a myriad of other diseases (example - sleep apnea, asthma, bladder issue, depression, gout, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy complication, stroke, etc...) that can occur when you are overweight. So the benefits of trimming off a few pounds goes well beyond the cosmetic issues. Even a small weight loss can greatly improve your health, not to mention boost your self esteem and confidence.
Mia LeCron has been writing articles online for nearly 5 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness, and weight loss, but you can also check out her latest website on the T3 Hair Dryer which reviews the best T3 (Tourmaline Based) Hair Dryer. You can check it out for yourself at
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Fast Diet and Weight Loss Tips
First of all, you will drop a lot of weight right off the bat, generally about 2 to 3 pounds per day. I recommend that you start with a 3 day fast but later on you can always increase that to 5 days or even more as you become more comfortable with fasting. People assume that they will feel week or fatigued while juicing like this but this is not the case. You will feel weak if you do a water fast but on juice you will still be getting the nourishment that you need to have a great source of energy. In fact you will probably feel more energized than when you are eating solid foods.
Not only will you drop a lot of weight but you will also change your relationship with food. The psychological impact of a juice fast is very powerful. You will learn to appreciate solid food again and you will naturally make healthier eating choices after a juice fast is over with. This will help you to keep the weight off and also to gradually lose more weight as you slowly change and modify your diet for the better. Finally, you will also lose a bit of weight due to the cleansing nature that a juice fast will have on your body.
Learn more about fast diets and fast weight loss tips.
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Patrick Meninga - EzineArticles Expert Author
Friday, May 22, 2009
Pregnancy Left You a Little Out of Shape? Here's How to Lose Weight After a Baby Safely
You're ready to learn how to lose weight after having a baby and get your body back into shape. It's time for a different journey than what you have experienced. Having a child is a emotional and cherished life trek. But, your little pride and joy left you with some excess weight your would rather lose. Stay tuned, in a few short minutes from now you will have all the resources you need to begin getting rid of some of the tummy fat you have accumulated during pregnancy.
One of the natural and healthier ways to lose weight after having a baby is by exercising and proper nutrition. You don't want to get hooked on some crazy celebrity diet which leaves you with mood swings and rapid weight loss. These types of weight loss plans are dangerous and can lead you to more weight gain if you don't properly lose your extra weight.
The two keys to proper and natural weight loss are exercise and proper nutrition. Without a combination of these two you will not be taking the proper steps to shedding your baby fat. Many times we take shortcuts to get ourselves looking better, now is not one of those time. Natural weight loss is healthier and it will be easier to keep that fat you want to lose off forever. All experts agree to natural weight loss is the only true course of action when you you want to lose weight. Your lifestyle has changed a bit recently, so adding some proper fitness and nutrition should not be hard to begin implementing.
Many woman just like yourself have found help online through expert advice. Lose Baby Fat and Slim Mom, has many resources you can use to start your weight loss journey today.
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Friday, February 6, 2009
Ways on How to Lose Your Weight Quickly - Which One is the Most Effective and Why?
There are different ways on how to lose your weight quickly. But how do we know, especially in our modern time today when there are millions of ways already invented to lose weight, which is the most effective?
Losing weight has been proven to be the much celebrated and talked industry today wherever part of the world you may be. Obesity has really taken its toll today with the highest number of people listed to be obese than ever before. That is why most people take advantage of this depressing truth creating fad diets and earning a fortune out of people's vulnerabilities and weaknesses. In this article, we will reveal the most effective way on how to lose your weight quickly not because we want to earn money out of this but because we would like to save the world especially the future generations to come.
One way on how to lose your weight quickly according to many health articles and journals today is to go on an All-Protein Diet. This means that a person will only eat protein-rich foods and no carbohydrates including all meat, chicken, fish among others but definitely no carbohydrates like breads and pasta. This is not as effective as you thought.
Another way on how to lose your weight quickly is the famous Grapes Diet or Banana Diet or any other fruit diet. Again, this is not an effective way to lose weight as it is simply not realistic. You cannot go on living eating just grapes or bananas for most of the week.
The most effective way on how to lose your weight quickly is going on a balanced diet. No other complex names but just a balanced diet and surely, you will lose weight quickly. This must be based on the new food pyramid guide that we have now which includes eating almost all types of foods provided there are certain amounts for each type plus exercise. This is the most effective because it is realistic and long-lasting.
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Saturday, January 24, 2009
Lose 25 Pounds in 3 Weeks - How This Diet Will Help You Lose 25 Pounds
You've probably heard of a new way to lose 25 pounds in 3 weeks on the Rachael Ray show. The best way to lose that much weight permanently is through something called calorie shifting. Unlike every other diet which focuses on minimizing calories and lowering the amount of calories consumed daily, which means you slow down your metabolism as a result. Calorie shifting focuses its attention onto the real problem. A slow metabolism. In this article I'll give you a breakdown of how calorie shifting works, as well as provide a way to start doing it immediately.
How does Calorie Shifting Work?
Essentially what you do is eat a diet that is constantly changing from day to day. You still eat 3-4 full meals every day, but the make-up of the diet will be different in terms of the calories involved. For instance one meal will focus more onto protein based foods, the next day you will be eating more beneficial fat foods etc. This constant changing stimulates your metabolism to become alert and burn fat continually. You see when you eat a relatively similar diet from day to day your body adapts and as a result your metabolism slows down because it essentially knows the plan of whats coming into the body. When you change this up your body will activate its metabolism and keep it going at an elevated rate. The reason this diet works so well is that you are changing the way your metabolism acts in the body, from a sluggish response to a much quicker and active metabolism.
How can I start doing it?
The best way to start calorie shifting is to get a calorie shifting meal plan or software program that will provide all your food options from day to day. This program or plan will tell you what foods you can eat from day to day. The beauty is you can eat normal sized portions of these foods every day and still lose 25 pounds in 3 weeks!
For a FREE Calorie Shifting Meal Plan go to, Find out Why Calorie Shifting gets better results than any other diet!
Note: You may wish to publish this article for your website, blog, etc. As long as the article remains in its full entirety; including the links and the about the author resource box.
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