Friday, September 5, 2008

Just For Obese Men

Men too can be overweight. Men with pot bellies and different sizes of protruding stomach don't make a good sight. I'm writing for men in this article since I concentrated on the women folk in my last article. There I talked of the dangers inherent in young ladies getting fat. Men are also exposed to the same health problems associated with obesity. You remember-susceptible to high blood pressure, having varicose veins, gall bladder problems, difficulty in breathing, developing diabetes in middle age. Uh..uh. I think I'd rather be slim.

Apart from the unhealthy effects have you thought of the unsightly ones.Oh yes, every man wants to be addressed as a gentleman. The attribute doesn't only come from character, it also involve physical attributes. And we all know that chicks go after men that look good. You might not have money but with your good looks women will flock to you. But they'll run away if you have fats protruding from every corner of your being. They'll see you as not only ugly but also too old. Also obesity has been found to be one of the causes of men's poor sexual performance.

I'm sure you've heard the joke about a man with big stomach who took his wife for prenatal test and the doctor asked," which of you has come for treatment?" For the married guys, how can you advice your kids not to gulp down ice cream? How will you talk to them about the unhealthy effects of being fat when you are looking like a balloon?

So guys you'll agree with me that it's wise to do something about cutting down on your weight. Burn some fat, do exercises, take dietary and fat-reducing supplements and eat right. Live a healthy and happy life.

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